Friday, June 16, 2017


The problem with mixing things that were not conceived together is all the confusions they could originate.

The colors on the RAINBOW FLAG associated with the LGBT+ community were conceived as reflections of the joy of being human, in essence including all human beings regardless of skin color, religious beliefs, or political affiliations.

Why do we need to bring skin colors into this situation? Our community is already hated across the board by those who consider us abominations, looneys, and every other epithet you can think of. Do we really need to bring this illogical division right now, when the world is going to hell in a handbasket and the only people that seemed cohesively united were us?

First of all, when you add something that already has a meaning as it stands, your addition should enhance it, not bring discord. The moment you see it complicating things, you should stop. But that is not what’s happening here. Those who came with the idea of adding stripes representing two skin colors (immediately dismissing the other skin colors they are not including) rather argue and fight and be offended than backtrack and say “You know what? Perhaps this is not the time for this.”

Why bother? I have an idea and it’s mine and I’m gonna force it on you because I can. That’s exactly why we have the head of state we have now because no one took a step back and had the courage to say, “Oops this is not going to work.”

Let’s talk about the meanings of colors for a minute. Each culture has a different meaning for all the colors. In many places, brides were white implying purity. In many others, brides were red for good luck. So if you were raised where brides wear white, and all of the sudden you see a bride wearing red, you will question the meaning of that until you learn what it signifies for that bride and her culture. That’s just an example, and I could give you a thousand more. Very few things are truly standard globally, and the meaning of colors is surely not one of them.

Now, the RAINBOW FLAG embraces humanity and its emotions, not skin colors. If you add two colors, those colors will not mean skin tones at first glance because that’s not how the flag was conceived. Those proposing the new stripes will simply be adding the emotions associated with those colors. If you see the color black, your first thought is not going to be a skin color (no flag in the world uses black to represent skin color). And the emotions that black brings as a color are not necessarily the most positives, so that could be a handicap from the get-go. Same thing happens with brown, and I’m going to let you do your own associations.

I will not even try to express the disappointment I feel, seeing our community fighting over something that shouldn’t have even started. LGBT+ people of all skin tones suffer. Starting a fight over who suffers more is incongruent with what we’re fighting for as a group. We, as a community, have more mixed couples and families than any other like-minded group, and yet we’re disrupting the united front we should be forming because of skin tones.

Some proponents say, “But it doesn’t take anything from the flag.” That is not a reason to make additions to what is already established. As humans we are selfish, but many times we learn to share. This doesn’t seem to be the case.

This moment smells like a case of IF YOU ARE NOT WITH ME, YOU ARE AGAINST ME.

And that is very CHEETO smell.

#rainbowflag #colors #controversy #moveforward #stophating #loveislove #LGBT #newstripes #pride #embrace #lovehasnocolor #enough #stop #behuman #forgetyourcolor #betteryourself #bekind #respect #loveyourself #loveothers #prayfortheworld #goodvibes #humans #love #kindness #forgiveness #understanding #peace #wisdom #knowledge #history #humanity #breakyourchains

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