Wednesday, August 17, 2022


The 7THMOONVERSE has more than one fictional country, but today we will focus on the Republic of Saint Cornelius, playground for soon to be released THE GUY WITH THE LOTUS TATTOO.




During the Thirty Years' War in Europe, King Phillip IV of Spain grew tired of hearing about revolts in the New Indies, so in concert with his favorite (the Count-Duke Olivares) designed a strategy to kill two birds with one stone. A royal proclamation ordered the heads of ultramarine territories to round up all troublesome individuals, especially those not of Spanish origin and send them to a place where they could be someone else’s problem or die, whichever happened first.

Thus, the Spanish colonies started sending their most problematic slaves and indios to an area under Portuguese control but close enough also to French and Dutch settlements to be problematic for all of them.

Somehow the different factions found a way not just to coexist but become allies against all European settlers. Many European “undesirables” also joined forced with indios and former slaves.

In time the area became its own thing, allying themselves with English Pirates, who in turn taught them the language to use it as vehicle to create a deeper unification. Until that moment slaves and indios who spoke Spanish and other original tongues needed interpreters to communicate among themselves and with the locals. These happened in less than two generations, and by 1670 the unnamed conglomerate had become a force to be reckoned with— both in land and sea.

According to legend, the heads of the Aboriginal and African councils had the same vision of a man in the garb of the Roman soldiers destroying a cross. Wisepeople from both groups, knowing the story of Cornelius (the first gentile to convert, according to the Bible), concluded it was a sign of the saint; expressing his obvious remorse after embracing the Christian faith, which has done nothing but enslave and mistreat them in the New World.

What it’s known as the Cornelian Pact created a scheme where the unified people would let the Europeans think they would accept their dominance only to do the same thing the Spaniards did with the Jews and kick them out once they have built cities and other things needed to improve the nascent nation's way of life. This is also known as the “Long Con.” Thrice they expelled their benefactors: First the Portuguese (1700), then the French (1725), and lastly the Spaniards (1750).

The multicultural conglomerate sent a letter to the Holy See in 1757 stating their independence from all foreign government, not asking for the Pope blessing but to remind him that free will was a God-given gift which no man regardless of color or wealth had the right to obstruct. Legend also implies that the letter contained a prophecy that scared the fuck out of the Pope and he instructed all Christians to stay away from those mixed heathens. Benedict XIV was never the same and died in 1758 of kidney problems but the legend insist his attempt to reverse his decision is what send him to his tomb. Remember this is the pope who condemned any form of ancestors reverence in conjunction with Christian rites in China.

Next week Part Two

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